If you using Bitnami’s Drupal 7.9.1 stack and getting the following error: “Command pm-update needs a higher bootstrap level to run – you will need invoke drush from a more functional Drupal environment to run this command.” Changing localhost to…
If you using Bitnami’s Drupal 7.9.1 stack and getting the following error: “Command pm-update needs a higher bootstrap level to run – you will need invoke drush from a more functional Drupal environment to run this command.” Changing localhost to…
Book on Safaribooksonline (the first 25 pages will have you miles ahead) – “Build Mobile Websites and Apps for Smart Device” http://my.safaribooksonline.com/book/programming/mobile/9780987090843 Article that the author of the above book calls the “seminal article” on Responsive Web Design http://www.alistapart.com/articles/responsive-web-design/ Web…
Just want to post a quick shout out to The New Boston at http://thenewboston.com. There are a ton of excellent video series on this website that will help you to learn Java, PHP, JavaScript, XHTML, CSS and more for free.
Use the most recent version of JQuery and JQuery UI in Drupal 6 by using jQuery.noConflict(). This allows you to have both multiple versions of the library for specific needs. It was kind of hard for me to find in…
This session can also be found on the Drupal Dojo Site here: http://drupaldojo.com/session/sustainable-theming-fusion Drupal Dojo has a ton of other really good video session as well!
Problem: I ran into a GD Image library error because the Turnkey Linux Drupal 6 Appliance (v 11.2) did not have PHP with GD compiled. Solution: Used “apt-get update” command from terminal to update packages. Then I ran the “apt-get…
“It’s not what you know you don’t know…it’s what you don”t know you don’t know.” – Craig Moffett, VP & Senior Analyst Sanford Bernstein.
I have searched far and wide for instructions on how to create a recovery disk for my laptop running Window Vista(TM) Home Premium (WVHP – from here forward). All I kept coming across were post telling me how it couldn’t…